Bring Back Masculine Men

It would be odd if you went an entire day without reading or hearing a story about how men are the root cause of all the world’s problems. Poverty, homelessness, slow internet speed, you name it and it’s a man’s fault. Most of the stories think it’s because masculinity is bad.

Too many people think the way you make men better is to make them more feminine, because a boy is actually just a defective girl. That’s not it. The way you make men better is to make them more masculine.

Competition, aggression, ambition are masculine elements men are born with and that’s why the push to deprogram these elements out of men will never work. In fact it will be a disaster because it will create weak, passive men. And weak passive men are the most destructive kind of man.

Weak, passive men don’t stand up for those who can’t protect themselves. That’s bad because there are some battles only a man can fight. But if they have been neutuered by culture, the won’t be equipped to fight them.

For years culture has told men to stop being men because being a man is evil. After being told that over and over again, too many men have said “fine, I’ll go play video games and look at porn and forget about finding a woman to court, marry, then build a family with.”

Men won’t start businesses or work to improve current ones because they’ve been told competition is wrong. “Don’t keep score.” “Everybody gets a trophy.” This is a weird way to think to a man because men are wired to win. They want and NEED to get the trophy. They won’t make the sacrifice it takes to become a champion if there is no championship.

What’s the right answer? You harness the competition, aggression and ambition. You teach men how to use those masculine traits for good.

  • Masculine competitiveness can be the difference between a man wasting his life watching other men compete or getting his butt off the couch and competing himself.

  • Masculine aggression can either destroy a friend or defeat a bully like David vs Goliath.

  • Masculine ambition can either come out as Gordon Gecko level greed or it builds a company that makes people’s lives better.

All of these are why the solution isn’t less masculinity, it’s better masculinity.

When men embrace better masculinity the results are as predictable as gravity. Masculine men are warriors and leaders who take responsibility for the people in their lives.

The opposite is also true. When men listen to culture and deny their masculinity you get weak men and the results are catastrophic:

For instance:

Children who grow up without a dad in the home are:

  • More depressed

  • Incarcerated at a higher rate

  • Have more teen pregnancies

  • Have lower household incomes

Still no convinced? 70% of all high school dropouts grew up without a dad in the house.

An honest assessment of the facts reveals the undeniable fact that Dads are critical to raising healthy and successful kids. This isn’t a liberal or conservative point of view. Here’s what former President and then Senator Barack Obama said in 2008

“Of all the rocks upon which we build our lives…family is the most important. And we  are called to recognize and honor how critical every father is to that foundation.”

This is why we have to reverse the trend of telling all males they are the problem. We have to stop denying them the opportunity to express their masculinity in healthy ways. We need to bring back playground games like basketball, football, and dodgeball. Let 3rd grade boys run around for 30 minutes during the middle of the school day and you’ll get to watch the makers of ADHD drugs go out of business. The average boy isn’t hyperactive, he’s a male who is starting to produce massive amounts of testosterone that needs to be given an outlet.

The bottom line is we need to bring back masculine men!