WRITE it down to avoid forgetting important information


I decided to start using a paper planner this year instead of the calendar and Reminder apps on my phone. So, I bought a Day-Timer set, but then I found this pocket-sized calendar on Amazon for $12.00 (scroll to the bottom for a link). It met my three criteria; fit in my pocket, have both a monthly calendar and daily with enough room to write on.

Why did I make this change?


Have you ever considered the benefits of writing things down? Here are a few:

Studies have shown that the physical act of writing by hand stimulates the brain in ways that typing on a phone or computer keyboard cannot.

Writing things down helps you to organize thoughts and information. When you write something down, you are forced to process the information and organize it in a way that makes sense to you, which in turn helps you remember and recall it more easily.

Another benefit is writing helps you focus. When writing by hand, your brain is forced to focus on the task at hand, rather than getting distracted by an email or text notification.

Writing by hand requires the use of motor skills and that helps to encode information more deeply into your memory. This fact is backed up by research that has shown the physical act of writing activates the different parts of the brain that control learning and memory.

Lastly, writing by hand can be a more enjoyable experience. Using a pen or pencil can be more satisfying than typing on a phone or computer, making it more likely that you will continue the discipline.


Writing things down has tons of benefits. It can help you organize thoughts and information, improve focus and concentration, activate different parts of the brain that aid in learning and memory, and be a more enjoyable experience. Next time you need to jot something down, consider reaching for a pen and paper instead of your phone.


I use a pencil instead of a pen when I write things down in my calendar because of a great saying I heard years ago, “Write Your Plans in Pencil, Then Give God The Eraser”


Here is a link to the calendar for those of you who want to join me in using paper to organize your life.