How Men Screw Up Their Lives


Guys, I have to admit I wonder how we can be so dumb sometimes. Especially when it comes to having sex with women we’re not married to. You would think watching one famous and influential man after another get caught and then publicly disgraced, we would know not to do that. 

But it keeps happening.

The same thing goes for cheating in business deals to get more money. There are tons of guys doing time in federal prison because they cooked the books or just flat-out stole from their companies or investors. 

How can a man do either one of these while their brain is screaming, “don’t do it!”. They know they will get caught eventually and what it will cost them when it happens. But they do it anyway.’



Because there’s this thing called the Male Failure Path, that goes like this:

Lust > Entitlement > Pride

Lust says, “I want it” 

Entitlement says, “I deserve it”

Pride says, “I can handle it”

This path has been around since the beginning of time. Men like Bill Clinton, Bernie Madoff, and more have followed it to their destruction. They all decided to take something that didn’t belong to them simply because they wanted it. It didn’t matter if the something was money or a woman they weren’t married to. 


The part that makes no sense is that even though the path hasn’t changed for thousands of years and the results are always the same; humiliation, public ridicule, and the loss of everything that matters, men still keep walking down it over and over.

Guys, I hope you’ll take this as a wake up call and decide to put guardrails in place to keep you from doing the same thing. Develop practices that help you walk, no, make that run, away when you’re about to head out down the path.

You don’t have to be another statistic and become the man people say things about, like “How could he have been so dumb?” “Such a waste.” 

Instead I hope you’ll make this commitment.

“I choose to live my life as an example instead of a warning to others”